To dance in conscious awareness as a channel of divine intension is to directly ground energetic prayer in and onto the planet Earth. To utilize the energy to propel healing, awareness, beauty, expression, and awakening through the physical form.
Sacred dance was my first form of dance. Growing up on a Gurdjieff community I studied "movements," as early as 7 years old, as an integral aspect of living in community with students of Gurdjieff's practices. I highly enjoyed these practices and experienced unified synchronized meditation through these dance forms with the mind of a child.
I later took up gymnastics and then ballet. Learning to open and strengthen the bodies flexibility and balanced form.
Through highschool I found my connection with my body through long distance running, hiking, skimboarding and surfing on the Oregon Coast.
At 18 I intensionally began my formal meditation practice based upon breath observation. I rejoined the Gurdjieff Work to re-experience the "movements" form in my matured body.
I then started college at University of Oregon in Eugene, where I studied African Dance and Drumming, Modern Dance, Tai Chi, Kundalini Yoga, Rockclimbing, and Kayaking. At this time I became a committed student of Vipassana Meditation as a daily practice which helped me become more intimately intouch with my inner subtle sensations.
After traveling abroad in New Zealand and Fiji I transfered to Portland State University where I studied Ghanaian Dance and Drumming, Afro-Cuban dance and Drumming, Dance Improv, and Dance Choreography. While studying in school I did a 9 month Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, of which I still practice.
I also became emersed in the ecstatic dance community of Portland for a number of years. After graduating from PSU with a BA in Dance, Painting, Outdoor Education, and Cultural Studies, I began an intimate journey of self-discovery through my own dance.
A group of musicians and artists called the "dub tribe" collaborated in weekly meetings to hold space as a consistant meditation in order to open our creative channels to encourage spontaneous prayer through our music, dance and song. Dance became ever more an intimate expression of my inner voice...into subconscious freedom of releasing the mind and letting the body speak with no forced will or supression from my conscious self. A pure and open channel to reflect what energetic codes were being communicated through sound and prayer current.
I then began my study of the Charya Nepalese Buddhist Diety Dance of Dancemandal in Portland. This form grounded and alchemized many aspects of yoga, meditation, diety spirit embodiment, and intensional poetry expression through the physical form.
It is now my intension to continue my dance journey through the choreography that inspires me by initiating this dance company of Serpentine Silk.
The intension of Serpentine Silk Fine and Performing Arts is to formally begin to solidify my dance practice into a cohesion of many cultures, many forms into my expression of prayer. This company's main focus is healing the human experience through expression of the human/spirit relationship, conscious body awareness through storytelling and art in order to ground the experience of Spirit into this physical reality. Giving it a face, a movement, a reflective story of what it is to be human. I dance to express the need for culture, for releasing the bondages that hold us back from living our full empowerment, to fully embody my empowerment, and to live in my highest dream potential. To live in full embodiment for the healing of all relations to our Mother Earth, that I may live in balance and harmony with eachother and all creation.
The artistic aspect of this company comes through my love of Silkpainting. I am working with set production, costume design, and fine art paintings with Silk.