Friday, May 6, 2011

Whirling Rainbow

The whirling Rainbow is the promise of peace among all Nations and all people. The Rainbow Race stresses equality and opposes the idea of a superior race that would control or conquer other races. The Rainbow Race brings peace through the understanding that all races are one. The unity of all colors, all creeds working together for the good of the whole, is the idea that is embodied in the Whirling Rainbow. When all pathways to wholeness are respected by all cultures, the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be completed.
The Whirling Rainbow will appear in the form of the a Sun Dog to those who are ready to see. The Sun Dog is a full Rainbow Circle around the sun that has bright white lights at the Four Directions. Many Sun Dogs will be seen around the Time of the White Buffalo, which will be the Sky Language sign that the Secret and Sacred Teachings are to be shared with all races. Enough of the Children of the Earth will be awakened to carry the responsiblity of the teachings and the healing process will begin in full swing.
Many will remember their purpose for being on this Earth Walk and will learn to develop their gifts to assist the whole of humanity. Truth will shatter the bonds of seperation and goodness will prevail. Some details of Earth changes will come in to the dreams of those who are being warned to move where they will be safe. Others will be told that their talents will be needed in areas where the changes occur. Everyone will have to trust their personal vision and follow their hearts in order to assist the whole. Each person will be able to use their gifts with joy and share equally in the bounty created by all those working together. The other teachings of the prophecy of the Whirling Rainbow will be released at a later time when more have awakened to the potential they carry.
When the Whirling Rainbow Woman of the Navaho and Hopi brings the cleansing and regenerative rains to the Earth Mother, her children are also cleansed and healed. When the Rainbow of Peace of the Seneca encircles each person's Sacred Space, all will walk in truth respecting the Sacred Space of others and the harmony of living on Earth will be restored. The Knowing Systems are the teachings of the Warriors of the Rainbow who are Sisters and Brothers uniting the Fifth World and working for peace.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Elder: Help me to Remember

"When I made my first Talking Stick, I went to the top of a very high mountain and called upon the Medecine Allies for assistance. I was sitting under the boughs of a giant Ponderosa Pine and sought the silence and peace of that Chief Tree. This Standing Person was the largest and oldest in the area and therefore had the wisdom of an Elder and duty of Chief over all other trees in the area. I felt the peacefullness of the Mother Earth come up the roots of Ponderosa and fill my body with gentle tingles as the Wind began to sing through the branches and blow the Cloud People across the turquoise expanse of the Big Sky Nation. The song was sweet and filled me with wonder. Then I heard my Medicine Song fill the afternoon, the ancient chant traveling on the Four Winds."
Jamie Sams
Sacred Path Cards: The Discovery of Self through Native Teachings

Africa: Land of Earth Wisdom

Birthed from the Void

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Mehndi: Sacred Body Ritual

"Practiced for five thousand years throughout India, Africa, and the Middle East, the act of painting the body with preparations made from the crushed leaves of the henna plant, whether it be in preparation for a special occasion or in celebration of a particular event, has always been done with the assumption or fervent wish the the act would engender good fortune, happy results, and good feelings. There is magic in the practice, the rituals, the superstitions, the ceremony, and the culture surrounding it."

For Your LiberaTion!!!

To the Wombyn of Haiti
This painting is for you
The Unspeakable

Source of inspiration found from the book "Walking on Fire" by Beverly Bell and Edwidge Danticat
Thank you to those who have stepped out to build the bridges of love in this world

Acrylics on Canvas Painted year 2oo6

Sunday, November 22, 2009

AdiShakti Tree

Prints Available! please inquire