Friday, February 26, 2010

Elder: Help me to Remember

"When I made my first Talking Stick, I went to the top of a very high mountain and called upon the Medecine Allies for assistance. I was sitting under the boughs of a giant Ponderosa Pine and sought the silence and peace of that Chief Tree. This Standing Person was the largest and oldest in the area and therefore had the wisdom of an Elder and duty of Chief over all other trees in the area. I felt the peacefullness of the Mother Earth come up the roots of Ponderosa and fill my body with gentle tingles as the Wind began to sing through the branches and blow the Cloud People across the turquoise expanse of the Big Sky Nation. The song was sweet and filled me with wonder. Then I heard my Medicine Song fill the afternoon, the ancient chant traveling on the Four Winds."
Jamie Sams
Sacred Path Cards: The Discovery of Self through Native Teachings

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